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Frozen Cell Crusher: Cryo-Press

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Actual Performance of Cryo-Press in DNA and RNA Extractions.

DNA extraction by Cryo-Press

Microscopic image of Nannochloris Bacillaris (before homogenizing) Microscopic image of Nannochloris Bacillaris (after homogenizing)

The size of nannochlorisbacillaris is about 5 microns. (DAPI staining, 345 nm exposure, magnification: 1,000x)

DNA (blue color) appeared after homogenizing. Conventionally, it took 2 to 3 hours to homogenize the sample with a mortar. However, by Cryo-Press, it takes only 2 minutes (15 seconds x 8 times) to homogenize the sample.

In the image of "after homogenizing", blue fluorescence show DNA. The DNA are isolated from the cells by successful homogenization.

Experimented by:
Laboratory of Plant Life System, Department of Integrated Biosciences Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

RNA extraction by Cryo-Press

Conventional Homogenizing has a high risk of the degradation of RNAs by the heat of homogenizing, however, this image shows that CRYO-PRESS extracts rRNAs of 28S and 18S, which shows clear proportion (2:1).

Experimented by:
Tissue Engineering Laboratory, The University of Tokyo

The difference between Cryo-Press and Glass Homogenizer

We homogenized chicken sciatic nerve in two ways (Cryo-Press and conventional glass homogenizer), and extracted the proteins after adding SDS.

1. Comparison of the amount of the extracts

Homogenizing method Sciatic nerve Skeletal muscle
Cryo-Press 4.44 mg/ml 9.67 mg/ml
Glass homogenizer 2.94 mg/ml 5.38 mg/ml

2. The patterns of gel electrophoresis

Sciatic nerve
a. Glass homogenizer
b. Cryo-Press
Skeletal muscle
Glass homogenizer
d. Cryo-Press
On each lane, we ran the proteins which come from the tissue of 0.23mg.

Both of these data show that CYRO-PRESS works better than conventional glass homogenizer. And also, Cryo-Press is good for time-saving. We hit the samples only once or twice with the power of air compressor.





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